Eurasian Milfoil
Leaves whorled in groups of 3 to 6. Each leaf is divided into 14 to 24 leaflets extending from a central reddish brown rib. Form tangled mats on the water surface. Seed heads develop mid to late season and produce reddish flowers that grow in whorls of 4 around a spike that stands well above the water surface. Treat anytime weeds are actively growing.
Suggested Products
- Aquacide Pellets (E)
- Aquathol Super K Granular (G)
- Flumigard SC Liquid (G)
- Hydrothol Granular (G)
- Fluridone Liquid (G)
- Sonar Granular (F)
- Harvester Liquid (G)
- Harvester Liquid combined with Cutrine-Plus Liquid (G)
E=Excellent, G=Good, F=Fair
Pellets are a systemic option for Water Milfoil weed control. Pellets can be used for spot treatment or treatment of an entire pond. For best results, apply early spring as new growth begins to appear.
Tagged in Milfoil, Milfoil weed control, How to control Milfoil lake weed