Selecting a Product
1. Classify The Weed
Submersed: Growing in deeper water entirely below the surface.
Emersed: Growing in shallow water with leaves or stems above the water.
Floating: Growing unattached or rooted with floating leaves.
Algae: Cellular, lower weed form. No distinguishable stem or leaf. Moss or scum.

2. Determine Specific Weed(s)
The previous links picture common aquatic weeds found throughout the country. Place your weed in a clear glass jar with water and compare it to the pictures. Pay careful attention to the leaves.
3. Select Your Product(s)
What Controls What provides a table showing what product controls what weed(s). Read the product information to confirm that the product will meet your needs.
4. Quantity To Order
Estimate the area or volume to be treated. This can be done by pacing the dock or pier and shoreline, measuring from a land survey, or by other means. For help determining your pond or lake front size click here. Or call us at 800-328-9350—a representative will be happy to help you.
5. Place Your Order.
Place your order over the phone or here
6. Send Us Samples
Pull a sample of each weed (be sure to include leaf and stem), rinse with clear water and shake out. Place the sample in a plastic bag with a brief note and your contact information. Send to: Aquacide Company, 1627 9th St., White Bear Lake, MN 55110. Please do not send samples packed in water. They rot, smell and are difficult to identify. Do not fully dry the sample. It may turn to dust and become difficult to identify. Please allow 10 working days for a response. E-mail a close up photograph of your weed to KillLakeWeeds.com/Samples. Positive weed identification usually cannot be made from verbal descriptions.
Submersed Weeds
Growing in deeper water entirely below the surface.
Emersed Weeds
Growing in shallow water with leaves or stems above the water.
Floating Weeds
Growing unattached or rooted with floating leaves.
Cellular, lower weed form. No distinguishable stem or leaf. Moss or scum.