Aquacide Pellets

Aquacide Pellets with 2,4-D are a selective, root killing, systemic herbicide. Controls submersed, emersed, and floating weeds. For use in ponds, lakes, reservoirs, bayous, drainage ditches, non-irrigation canals, rivers and streams that are quiescent or slow moving. Great around docks, boat hoists, swimming beaches and shorelines.
Easy to apply.
Marble-size Aquacide Pellets sink directly into the weed bed, visibly expand over a period of several hours to a day, and stratify a layer of herbicide where the weeds grow. Herbicide is released slowly in controlled amounts. As weeds grow herbicide is absorbed through leaves, stems and roots. Herbicide absorption is quite rapid, just a few hours under good growing conditions. Once absorbed, the herbicide moves throughout the weed to the growing parts of leaves and roots. Growth at these parts is halted and the weed dies. Kills the entire weed roots and all. Initial effects occur in 7 to 10 days. Initial effects include brittle stems and curling leaf tips. Under optimum conditions full weed kill occurs in 3 to 5 weeks. Dead weeds sink to the bottom and decompose.
Effective on many common weeds.
Aquacide Pellets are effective anytime susceptible weeds are actively growing. When applied in spring and early summer, less material is required, less dead weeds occur and a longer weed free period will result. Successful applications can be made in late summer and fall to actively growing weeds. The full effect of late season applications may not be fully evident until the following season.
Early season applications to perennial weeds, such as Common Cattails or Water Lilies, while growing below the surface, may require 3 to 4 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. at a 4 foot depth. A second application, at the appropriate rate, may be necessary in 3 to 5 weeks if weeds show signs of recovery. Heavy clay, mud, or silt build up may reduce root absorption by effectively sealing the roots. Early season application or more than one application may overcome this problem. Water movement in the form of currents or bottom springs may wash the herbicide from the treatment site, reducing effectiveness.
The most comprehensive up to date review of 2,4-D is contained in the EPA re-registration eligibility decision for 2,4-D. This document states; "2,4-D has a reputation as a selective and economical means to remove invasive plants, enhance the growth and recovery of desirable native vegetation, restore water quality and improve fish and wildlife habitat."
As a rule of thumb Aquacide Pellets will be effective on weeds with leaves that have a laced or branched vein structure. Aquacide Pellets will usually not be effective on weeds with leaves having parallel veins such as Grasses.
Aquacide Pellets are easy to apply. Nothing to mix or spray. Simply broadcast pellets uniformly over water surface with a fanning motion of the hand. Similar to sowing grass seed. Effective at any depth.
Tried and true.
For submersed weeds use Aquacide Pellets at a rate of 1.0 to 4.0 ppm active ingredient. This is equivalent to 15 to 60 pounds of Aquacide Pellets per acre-foot of weed volume, or 5.6 to 22.4 pounds of Aquacide Pellets over 4,000 sq. ft. at a 4 foot average depth.
For spring to early summer application to new weeds use 1.0 to 2.0 ppm.
For mid-summer to fall applications to mature weeds use 3.0 to 4.0 ppm.
To determine pounds of Aquacide Pellets to use per 1,000 sq. ft.:
(application rate in ppm) x (average depth in feet) x (0.35)
To use 2.0 ppm at an average depth of 4.0 feet:
2.0 x 4.0 x 0.35 = 2.8 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
Avoid churning water in treatment site for 72 hours following application. This will help insure maximum herbicide is available for absorption by the weeds.
See Water Use Restrictions (Days).