Aquacide Blog — diquat

Aquatic Weed Control: 4 Ways To Kill Bladderwort

2 4-d Aquacide Pellets aquatic herbicide aquatic weed control aquatic weed killer bladderwort control diquat diquat liquid Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid lake weeds Sonar Granular weed control Weed Cutting Weed Raking

Bladderwort is a free-floating, fresh water, carnivorous lake weed with over 200 species located throughout the world. Bladderwort is usually found in quiet, shallow, bog-like acidic waters. The main stem has 4-10 delicately branched lateral leaves that give it a very lacy appearance. The main part of the weed lies beneath the surface and will go unnoticed until it rises to the surface in the late Spring early Summer. Once at the water surface the weed sends up small attractive yellow flower. This flower has lip-like petals that resemble Snapdragons. Bladderwort is named for its tiny bladder-like structures located throughout its branched...

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Bur Reed Sparganium Control: 4 Great Options

Bur Reed bur reed sparganium diquat endotahll glyphosate Harvester Liquid shore klear

WEED CONTROL, 4 GOOD OPTIONS FOR BUR REED Bur Reed, sparganium, is a flowering perennial weed that grows in the shallows of marshes, ponds and streams.  There are 9 different species of Bur Reed in the United States. Bur Reed has long, narrow alternating leaves that may be floating or emersed, erect or limp.  It spreads from detached rhizomes and seed from spherical flower heads.  Seed survival is not high. Bur Reed does provide both food and habitat for nesting wildlife. 4 good options for control: Chemical control: Endothall is a fast-acting contact option best applied early summer when submersed...

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Water Buttercup control, 2 good options.

Diquat Harvester Liquid Water Buttercup Water Crowfoot Weed Cutting Weed Raking

Water Buttercup, Water Crowfoot (ranunculus aquatilis), is one perennial weed in the Buttercup family that has 360 different species.  It can be found world-wide in the quiet waters of ponds, in ditches and along the shoreline of lakes and slow moving streams. Water Buttercup is eaten by a variety of waterfowl and fish.  It also provides habitat for aquatic insects. It has 2 distinct types of leaves.  Submersed leaves are alternately attached, fan-shaped with fine thread-like leaves that collapse when removed from the water.  Floating leaves, when present, are flat and have 3-5 scalloped lobes. It has a single flower...

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Aquatic Weed Control: 4 Ways to Kill Curly Pondweed

Curly Leaf Pondweed Curly Leaf Pondweed Control Curly Pondweed curly pondweeds diquat endothol fluridone invasive curly pondweed

Curly Leaf Pondweed is a perennial weed that is native to Europe.  It escaped into American waters in the late 19th century and was first noticed in Minnesota in 1910.  Curly Leaf Pondweed was found in most of the United States by 1950.  It gets its name from the oblong rippled (curly) submersed leaves.  Leaves are serrated and alternately placed, typically 3” long with a reddish mid-vein.  It has annual burr-like winter buds (turions) and small reddish-brown fruit. Curly Leaf Pondweed has a unique life cycle.  In early spring, Curly Leaf Pondweed is one of the first weeds to appear...

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