Aquacide Blog — Reed Grass

Water Flow Affects on Pond Muck and Aquatic Herbicide Treatments

Algae Control aquaclear AquaClear Pellets aquatic herbicide Cutrine Plus muck removal Reed Grass shore klear Shore Klear Liquid

A customer recently contacted us regarding algae, pond muck & weed control. Below is the question and our response. Question: I have an old pond that has been unattended for years. It is between 1 and 1.5 acres with reed grass/grass family and algae. I am removing some of the pond muck and mud and creating sharper walls. My question is that this pond has a small spring –fed stream flowing in and out. How does the flowing water affect the treatment for weeds and pond muck / mud? DB, Winston-Salem, NC Answer: Flowing water may help to reduce the nutrient...

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Aquatic Weed Control: Native Vs Invasive Phragmite

Glyphosate Phragmites Reed Grass Shore Klear Liquid

What is a Phragmite?  Though it sounds like an exotic insect or rare incurable disease, Phragmite, is commonly known as Reed Grass.  Invasive Phragmites arrived in the 1800s from ballast on ships that arrived from Europe.  This ballast contained sediment and seeds or rhizome fragments that were frequently dumped along the shoreline.  Phragmite is a large, coarse perennial grass that can grow up to 15 feet tall.  The leaves are 2-2.5 inches wide and 8-15 inches long that alternate on the stem.  Phragmites have a distinctive seed head with feathery plumes at the stalk end which appear mid-summer and last...

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