Aquacide Blog — Milfoil

Eurasian Milfoil: Safe Treatment Options

Broad Leaf Aquatic Herbicide Eurasian Milfoil Eurasian Milfoil Control Milfoil Milfoil Control

A customer recently contacted us regarding Eurasian Milfoil control. Below is his question and our response. Question: We live in Washington and have a Eurasian Milfoil problem in the summer that interferes with swimming.  Looking for something that would control or destroy it without harming wildlife and people.  We have been hit pretty hard in the past few years and are presently using weevils to control this weed.  It is a slow process and may never take care of our problem.  There must be chemicals that could be used for spot treatment that take care of any further growth.  Could...

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Eurasian Milfoil In Squaw Lake Michigan

aquatic herbicide aquatic weed control aquatic weed killer clean lake Eurasian Milfoil Eurasian Milfoil Control lake weed control lake weeds Milfoil Milfoil Control

Once a clean lake in the 1980s, Squaw Lake in Oxford Township is slowly being taken over by Eurasian Milfoil.  Thick beds of Eurasian Milfoil now blanket most of the lake bottom. The lake is shrinking because the shore is thick with weed growth.  Squaw Lake was once used for water skiing and swimming, kids don’t swim there anymore. Eurasian Milfoil spread from boat propellers chopping fragments and raking it free and dumping fragments back into the water.  Eurasian Milfoil has the ability to root from fragmentation so new  colonies developed from just one small stem. Mechanical harvesting does not...

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