Although there are some benefits associated with Cattails, there are also several problems. The benefit of Cattails providing erosion control is also one of the biggest problems. Because of the thick root system and dense that Cattails create, they trap sediment and cause extension of shallow water, and eventually marshy shoreline. The natural progression of a water body is back to dry land and help with that progress is undesirable.
Not only is the management time consuming, but controlling Cattails can also be expensive. If Cattails are allowed to grow unchecked, they may eventually cover most of the shoreline, impeding bank access. A lot of time and money will be required to control the vegetation.
Getting rid of Common Cattails can be accomplished with a variety of methods. Herbicides work best because of the three stages of growth at which Common Cattails can be treated. Another method is physical Cattail removal, like cutting, which is relatively labor intensive.
When the vegetation begins to grow early season, and still below the water surface, the best control option is 2,4-D (Aquacide Pellets). Mid to late season active growth, the best method of control is (Aqua Neat Liquid & Shore-Klear Liquid) mixed with a non-ionic surfactant (Cygnet Plus Liquid). As with any herbicide, please read the label to be certain of the appropriate rate to use.
Pond & Lake muck removal is also key. By reducing the amount of lake muck, nutrients that feed Common Cattails will be reduced. Lowering the nutrient level should significantly reduce the amount of new growth the following season.
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Getting rid of common cattails can be accomplished with a variety of methods. Find out expert ways to save your pond's or lake's from aquatic plants, weeds, cattails in ponds and lakes.
Tagged in: kill cattails, how to kill cattails, how to kill cattails in a pond, how to get rid of cattails
(Southern Ponds & Wildlife Spring 2006 Vol 5 18)