Aquacide Blog — Aquacide Company
Water Weed Control: 6 Tips for the Upcoming Season
Aquacide Company Water Weed Control

“Just letting you know this treatment did the trick! Thanks.” W.B., Gilford, NH Cut and rake dead vegetation from your beachfront, dead Cattails, Reeds, and dormant underwater weeds all within reach. With the foliage cleared, all that’s left is “muck”. Rake your lake or pond on a regular basis, ideally once or twice a week. (We also carry AquaClear Pellets to help speed up this process.) The next step is to identify the weeds and algae remnants from last season to prepare for spring herbicide treatment. See "Weed Information" page for great pictures and descriptions of the most common and invasive lake...
How to Get rid of Weeds in the Lake and Control Pond Weeds
Aquacide Company Lake Weed Control pond weed control