Aquacide Blog — Natural Bacteria
Filamentous Algae Control: 4 Ways to Kill Filamentous Algae
Algae Control Aquatic Weed Control Filamentous Algae Inert Dye Lake Rake Natural Bacteria
4 Ways to Get Rid Of Your Algae The most common lake weed problem is Filamentous Algae. Filamentous Algae, also called “lake moss” or “pond scum”, form dense mats of strands. Filamentous Algae is often a persistent problem because it reproduces rapidly by fragments, spores and cell division. Abundance is dependent on nutrient levels, particularly phosphorous, in the water. High levels of nutrients result in increased amounts of algae. Its presence can degrade water quality and recreational enjoyment. Excessive algae can cause oxygen depletion when it decomposes, as a result of natural die-off or an algaecide application. This...
A Fast Acting Broad Spectrum Weed & Algae Control Option for Small Ponds or Lake Frontage (Updated)
aquaclear AquaClear Pellets Aquatic Herbicide Beneficial Bacteria for Water Cygnet Cygnet Liquid Surfactant Harvester Liquid Natural Bacteria

A recent inquiry came in regarding weed & algae control. Below is the question and answer from Aquacide Company. Question: I have 2 ponds with a couple of types of vegetation and some algae growing in them. Nothing invasive, just native species, but they are getting a bit out of control. What do you recommend for general treatment for each of these situations? The ponds are cold, very clear water, 1-3 ft deep and about 20’ x 20’ in size. Fish, frogs and kids spend lots of time in them. Thank you. EE, Jackson, WY Answer: Harvester Liquid is a fast-acting contact...
How to Clean a Pond: Multiple Options to Remove Muck and Clay Particulates (Updated)
Algae Control Beneficial Bacteria for a Lake Beneficial Bacteria for a Pond Dissolve Lake Muck Dissolve Pond Muck How to Clean a Pond Lake Sediment Removal Natural Bacteria Pond Clarifier Pond Cleaning Pond Muck Pond Muck Removal

How to Clean a Pond: 3 Cures for Muddy Water & Muck Removal
Algae Control beneficial bacteria How to Clean a Pond Lake Sediment Natural Bacteria Pond Clarifier Pond Cleaning Pond Muck
Pond Cleaning is very important for the overall health of your pond. Pond water needs to be clear for good production of fish. Clear ponds produce several times the amount of fish than turbid ponds. , after pond cleaning, clear ponds are much more fun to swim in! Most ponds become muddy after heavy rain, runoff, when ponds turn over or from excess decayed vegetation. Normally, silt or decay should settle out within one week’s time. Water clarity is normally 1 foot or more during most of the year. Fish production will be decreased in water with less than 1 foot visibility....
A Good Overall Weed & Algae Control Option for Small Ponds
aquaclear AquaClear Pellets aquatic herbicide beneficial bacteria cygnet plus liquid Harvester Liquid Natural Bacteria

A customer recently contacted us regarding weed & algae control. Below is the question and our response. Question: I have 2 ponds with a couple of types of vegetation and some algae growing in them. Nothing invasive, just native species, but they are getting a bit out of control. What do you recommend for general treatment for each of these situations? The ponds are cold, very clear water, 1-3 ft deep and about 20’ x 20’ in size. Fish, frogs and kids spend lots of time in them. Thank you. EE, Jackson, WY Answer: Harvester Liquid is a fast-acting aquatic herbicide that...