Aquacide Blog — bur reed sparganium
Bur Reed Sparganium Control: 4 Great Options
Bur Reed bur reed sparganium diquat endotahll glyphosate Harvester Liquid shore klear
WEED CONTROL, 4 GOOD OPTIONS FOR BUR REED Bur Reed, sparganium, is a flowering perennial weed that grows in the shallows of marshes, ponds and streams. There are 9 different species of Bur Reed in the United States. Bur Reed has long, narrow alternating leaves that may be floating or emersed, erect or limp. It spreads from detached rhizomes and seed from spherical flower heads. Seed survival is not high. Bur Reed does provide both food and habitat for nesting wildlife. 4 good options for control: Chemical control: Endothall is a fast-acting contact option best applied early summer when submersed...