Aquacide Blog — glyphosate
Aquatic Herbicide Application Timing: Q&A
Algae Control AquaClear Pellets aquatic herbicides glyphosate Lake Muck

“It has been over 1 week since I sprayed…There is absolutely no weeds and algae floating around! Thank you for the direction on this.” S., Edinburgh, IN Question two in the Q+A Series is recent correspondence from a customer that initially wanted to remove dead weeds and “muck” on the bottom. Beneficial pond bacteria is an excellent option. Along with the “muck” the same customer wants to control Water Willow and Algae. Question #2- Can we spray those aquatic weeds now or wait until we get our coldest weather and hope that they die down, then spray as they begin to come back?...
Aquatic Weed Control: 3 Ways To Kill Bulrush
2 4-d Aquacide Pellets aquaneat aquatic herbicides aquatic weed control aquatic weed killer Bulrush Control glyphosate lake weed control lake weed killer lake weeds shore klear Shore Klear Liquid spraying aquatic herbicides weed control Weed Cutting Weed Raking Weed Razer
Bulrush (scripus) is an emersed, perennial, grass-like weed that grows in shallow water. Bulrush grows up to 10 feet tall in colonies from rhizomes. A leafless stem can be triangular or round and comes to a point at the tip. Loose clusters of brown flowers and seeds gather just below the tip. There is no known biological control option. Control methods: 1) Weed raking and weed cutting is an option for seed and root reduction. This method can be difficult because new weeds can sprout from seeds and root fragments left behind. 2) Aquacide Pellets are a systemic aquatic herbicide that is best...
Aquatic Weed Control: 2 Ways To Kill Pickerelweed
2 4-d Aqua Neat Liquid Aquacide Pellets aquaneat aquatic herbicide aquatic weed control aquatic weed killer aquatic weeds emersed aquatic weed glyphosate shore klear Shore Klear Liquid weed control
Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata) is an emersed aquatic weed that grows 3-4 feet tall. Leaves are large and shiny with a heart-shaped base. Each leaf has very fine veins is attached toon its own stem in clusters. Pickerelweed is easily recognized by its beautiful 4” spike of blue-purple flowers. Each flower has 6 petal-like parts united below into a tube. Flowers bloom from June through November and attract insects, bees and butterflies. Pickerelweed reproduces from seed & rhizomes rooted in the mud. Control methods: 1) Aquacide Pellets are a 2,4-D based, systemic aquatic weed killer that is best-applied early spring as new...
Aquatic Weed Control: 4 Ways To Kill Purple Loosestrife
2 4-d Aqua Neat Liquid Aquacide Pellets aquaneat AquaNeat Liquid aquatic herbicide aquatic weed control Cattails Common Cattail emersed aquatic weed glyphosate shore klear Shore Klear Liquid submersed weeds Water Weed Rake weed control Weed Cutting Weed Raking Weed Razer
Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) is a perennial that originated in Europe and spread to North America in the early 19th century. The weed was originally introduced as an ornamental plant and for medicinal use. It was also introduced as a contaminant in ship ballast. Purple Loosestrife grows 4 to 10 feet tall. The square rigid four-sided stems have fine hairs and are reddish purple. Leaves are oppositely attached and slightly heart-shaped at the base coming to a point at the tip. Each weed produces a showy spike of bright purplish flowers on a tall stem, visible from June until September....
Bur Reed Sparganium Control: 4 Great Options
Bur Reed bur reed sparganium diquat endotahll glyphosate Harvester Liquid shore klear
WEED CONTROL, 4 GOOD OPTIONS FOR BUR REED Bur Reed, sparganium, is a flowering perennial weed that grows in the shallows of marshes, ponds and streams. There are 9 different species of Bur Reed in the United States. Bur Reed has long, narrow alternating leaves that may be floating or emersed, erect or limp. It spreads from detached rhizomes and seed from spherical flower heads. Seed survival is not high. Bur Reed does provide both food and habitat for nesting wildlife. 4 good options for control: Chemical control: Endothall is a fast-acting contact option best applied early summer when submersed...