Aquacide Blog — pond weed

Eliminate Pond Weeds Without Affecting Trout

aquatic herbicides pond weed pond weed control pond weed identification weed control

A customer recently contacted us regarding weed & algae control. Below is the question and our response. Question: I have a ½-1 acre pond that is becoming infested with the “brushy” course type pond weed. The trouble is…I also have a large population of trout in it. Is there anything I can use that will eliminate those weeds without killing my trout?? A sincere thanks in advance…GG Answer: We stock a large variety of pond weed control options.  All of these aquatic herbicides, when applied according to label directions, will not harm fish including trout. It is impossible to make a...

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Aquatic Weed Control: 2 Ways To Remove Brazilian Elodea

aquatic herbicides Aquatic Weed Control aquatic weed killer Brazilian Elodea Elodea Hydrilla Lake Weeds pond weed pond weed control pondweed identification

Brazilian Elodea (egeria densa) was introduced to this country about 100 years ago.  It was an attractive oxygen producing plant primarily sold as an aquarium plant.  It can now be found in 40 States including Hawaii. It is an aggressive lake weed, very similar to both American Elodea and Hydrilla.  All three are submersed and rooted to the lake bottom.  Leaves of Brazilian Elodea have minute teeth not visible by the naked eye.   It spreads primarily by floating fragments that simply re-root.  It does not use seeds or tubers.  Stems are long and slender and rarely branch.  Each leaf is...

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