Aquacide Blog — water hyacinth
Weeding Out the Weeds on Santee Cooper Lakes
Clean Lakeshore crested floating heart floating heart Hydrilla hydrilla control lake weed control Lake Weed Identification lake weed killer lake weeds water hyacinth
They say bad luck comes in threes, and that is the case on the Santee Cooper lakes this year. A trio of invasive weeds, including one still so new that the state hasn’t officially declared it such, has literally taken root and continues to hold on despite the best efforts of Santee Cooper’s analytical and biological sciences department. Invasive weeds are not new to Lake Moultrie or Lake Marion. But they are pervasive. This year is the 30th anniversary of hydrilla first being spotted in the system, in Lake Marion near Rimini. By 1994 it covered almost 45,000 acres of...
Water Hyacinth Treatment: 3 Options
aquacide pellets Aquatic Weed Control Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid Lake Weed Identification water hyacinth
That pretty plant flowering in your pond may be an invasive pond weed! It seems so healthy and abundant, yet you can’t remember planting it there. Water Hyacinth is sold in nurseries but will easily spread from ornamental ponds to adjoining wetlands.