The aquatic plant Water Lily belongs to the botanical family Nymphaeaceae. While there are 58 species of these freshwater found in the tropical and temperate regions of the world, the two main varieties include the Tropical Water Lily and the Hardy Water Lily. As the name might suggest, the Hardy Water Lilly can survive the cooler temperatures as well. The hardy water lilies are grown in the and their breeding is easy if you follow the steps correctly. The lilies can take a variety of sizes with flowers being as large as the goblet or as small as a thimble. The colors can be as diverse and include the white, maroon, golden yellow, pink and other water lily flower varieties. Water lilies and their different size varieties suit the different water the larger lakes and the tub garden. Apart from minimizing the spread of Aquatic weeds, these water plants are also to create a well balanced aquatic ecological environment.
Environment Favoring The Growth Of Water Lilies
Water lilies require sunlight for their growth. While they may withstand shade for some time period, they still need sunlight for at least 3 hours every day. Moving water is detrimental to the growth of the plantation and you should be careful to plant them away from any pumps or recreational areas. Disturbance in the plant roots may cause plantation failure, and hence choose the still water bodies only.
Water Depth
Water lilies can also be grown in the more shallow water bodies and do not require extensive water depths towards Most of the varieties of the species grow having a depth of 40 to 60 cm, while the pygmy lilies grew at around 15 to 25 cm of water depth as well. In other cases, you can plant the lily at a water body with 1 m depth.
Use The Planting Basket
Planting baskets are quite useful towards growing the water lily and for planting them. This approach is suitable for all water lily plantations, except those that are carried out the earth-based lakes. For the pygmy and the small lilies, you need a basket of around 5 liters, while the larger lilies required the same of 10-liter capacity. Use of water baskets will enable you to move your lilies within your pond easily, and will also provide for better soil manipulation (like replacement or topping) whenever necessary.
Choosing The Right Soil
The clay garden soil is the best for growing water lilies. The heavy can better hold the plantations and provides for better consistency as well. The chalky, sandy or light soil should be avoided because they are acidic and the water lilies prefer the alkaline and neutral soils.
Planting The Water Lilies
You can place the water lily plant the basket and anchor it with the right soil. The roots should be firmly secured and hence you need to press on the soil adequately. The shoots should be positioned upwards before you gently place the basket in your garden tub or pond.
During the initial growth period, the water lilies will have strong roots while roots will gradually thin themselves so that the plant can easily absorb the nutrients from the soil. You can also use pea gravel for top dressing the plantation baskets. Remember that the right kind of soil is necessary for the plantation to be successful. If you do not have the clay soil, you can also buy directly from your local nursery or garden center.
Treatment When Necessary
If / when the lilies begin to take over the pond or lake, or if they already have, there are many methods to reign them back in but keep them at a healthier less invasive level. Contact us here https://www.killlakeweeds.com/pages/contact-us or call 1-800-328-9350 for further assistance.
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