Aquacide Blog — Harvester Liquid

Aquatic Weed Control: 4 Ways to Kill Bushy Pondweed

AquaShade Aquashadow Aquathol Super K Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid Hydrothol Hydrothol Granular Water Weed Rake Weed Raking Weed Razer weeds

One of the most common submersed lake weeds is Bushy Pondweed. Bushy Pondweed is an annual weed that grows from the pond bottom. It has thread-like narrow leaves ½” long and oppositely arranged, or whorled in groups of 3 on slender sparsely branched stems. Lake weed identification can be made by the microscopic teeth along the leaves edge. Single seeds are found at the leaf base. This water weed can be found growing in depths of 10 feet or more. Bushy Pondweed reproduces from seed and fragmentation (tiny pieces of water weed that re-root). It grows in any pond or...

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How to Cleanup a Watermeal Filled Pond

aquaclear AquaClear Pellets aquatic herbicide beneficial bacteria Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid Natural Bacteria watermeal Watermeal Control

A customer recently contacted us regarding weed control. Below is the question and our response. Question: I have a bad Watermeal problem. Herbicides and/or copper products are not working. I will have to assume that I have a bacterial issue that I need to address? I believe the pond is roughly 7-10 years old, appears to be fully stocked (had a very minimal fish kill from the copper product). It is about ½ acre and I would estimate an average 6 feet in depth with a maximum depth of 18-10 at one end near the dam. What would you recommend to...

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Aquatic Weed Control: Spike Rush

AquaNeat aquatic weed control Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid shore klear slender spikerush spike rush spike rush control

There are over 100 species of Spike Rush which can sometimes be difficult to differentiate from other species of lake weeds. In general, Spike Rush small but can grow several feet out of the water.  Spike Rush are perennial plants and are often confused with the smaller species of rushes, grasses, or sedges. Slender Spike Rush typically will grow completely underwater and appear as a submerged plant. Spike Rush can grow in shallow water or moist soils and grow from rhizomes. Stems are with sheaths around the can be round, square, or flattened depending on the species. All Spike Rushes have...

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Coontail Control: Multiple Options

Aquacide Pellets Aquathol Super K Coontail Fluridone Liquid Harvester Liquid Hydrothol Pond Management

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Bur Reed Sparganium Control: 4 Great Options

Bur Reed bur reed sparganium diquat endotahll glyphosate Harvester Liquid shore klear

WEED CONTROL, 4 GOOD OPTIONS FOR BUR REED Bur Reed, sparganium, is a flowering perennial weed that grows in the shallows of marshes, ponds and streams.  There are 9 different species of Bur Reed in the United States. Bur Reed has long, narrow alternating leaves that may be floating or emersed, erect or limp.  It spreads from detached rhizomes and seed from spherical flower heads.  Seed survival is not high. Bur Reed does provide both food and habitat for nesting wildlife. 4 good options for control: Chemical control: Endothall is a fast-acting contact option best applied early summer when submersed...

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