Aquacide Blog
Asian Carp Threaten Our Environment
asian carp lake water solutions pond clarifier pond water solutions
THAD COOK HAD BEEN WORKING as a biologist on the Illinois River, a few hours south of Chicago, for nearly a decade when his boat began to fall apart. The depth finder busted first, followed by the radio, the generator, and finally the fuel tank. He wondered if this was related to the stories he’d been hearing from downriver. Weird tales of boats with no drivers, spinning wildly in the water. Men hauled ashore with lacerations. Anglers covered in blood. Then it hit him: a 25-pounder, right in the gut. “It was like a cannonball,” he says. A few weeks...
Lake Weed Killer: Watershield Control
aquaclear aquatic herbicide lake weed killer muck removal pond weed identification pond weed killer water lily control water shield control
Here is another recent email question from one of our customers regarding the treatment of Q: I have an approx. 60 yard by 80 yard pond that I would like to clean up. The past six years I have struggled with The majority of it is covered with only the center fifteen yard by twenty yard area is not covered yet and actually has not three years. The gel has not started to form on the vines as of yet. What I am concerned about is, does the entire pond have to be covered? If I stand on the bank...
Pond Care : Fertilize or Not to Fertilize?
Algae Control beneficial bacteria How to Clean a Pond Lake Bacteria Lake Muck Lake Sediment Natural Bacteria Pond Clarifier Pond Cleaning Pond Muck
Fertilization is done to improve the quality of fish growth. In the United States, fertilization has been used extensively since 1925 as a means for increasing pond productivity. Applying proper pond fertilizer to a lake has the same effect as fertilizing your garden, it increases production. Research has proven that pounds of fish produced may be increased 300 percent or more by proper fertilization. How does this happen? Pond fertilizer increases the small green algae called phytoplankton. Phytoplankton is eaten by tiny insects called zooplankton. These little insects are eaten by your fish. The more food you produce from fertilization the...
Bald Eagle Deaths Linked to Invasive Lake Weeds
Algae Control aquatic herbicides aquatic weed control hydrilla control pondweed control pondweed identification
Augusta, GA (AP) - Eight bald eagles found dead a lake near the Georgia - South Carolina border died of a disease linked to an invasive weed, authorities have determined. The deaths, which occurred during the winter and early spring, were the result of an algae-borne linked to the invasive weed , The Augusta Chronicle reported. Scientists working to find ways of controlling the problem say they aren't the first bald deaths linked to the weed. They say 11 eagles died in the area during the previous season. The eagles succumbed to avian vacuolar myelinopathy, caused by algae that grow...
Milfoil Control and Aquatic Herbicides Safety
aquatic herbicides aquatic weed control aquatic weed killer lake weeds Milfoil Control Parrot Feather Water Primrose
A customer recently contacted us regarding the control of Milfoil, Parrot Feather and Water Primrose. Below is his question and a response. Q: Hi, I need to know if this product is going to be harmful to the fish, frogs, turtles, ducks and other wildlife in and around my lake prior to purchase and use. I read the FAQ but it says nothing except to read the label before use which would require me to purchase it first. To be sure, we would be using the product best suited for the treatment of Milfoil, Parrot Feather and Water Primrose. Thank...