Aquacide Blog
How to Get Rid of Pond Muck?
Pond muck is considered to be the accumulation of all kinds of wasteful substances such as fish waste, decaying plants as well as other organic materials which end up accumulating at the very bottom of the pond. Over time, this sludge can build up into inches or even feet and become thicker and denser, thereby becoming a home for all kinds of leeches and worms as well as a smelly dirty place to swim. Muck also includes the accumulation of materials such as leaves and branches of trees, clippings of the grass, dead and decaying aquatic weeds, fertilizers as well...
How to Clean Gross Murky Pond Water Fast?
How to Clean a Pond Pond Cleaning
If you have a pond or lakefront property, then you must know that it is not very easy to maintain. At the same time, maintaining the waterfront recreational area is not all that difficult either. Generally, your pond gives you important signs which signal to the fact that it requires a good cleaning of the muck that has built up in the pond over months or years. When you walk into the water and sink into the muck/dead vegetation, you can smell a rotting odor and or the water is cloudy and murky looking are all indications that it may...
Different ways to stop the spread of Eurasian Water Milfoil
Eurasian Milfoil Control Milfoil Control
Having a pond or lake in the back yard is one of the dreams for every homeowner and if you are lucky enough to have one you need to know a lot in order to keep your area clean and safe. There is a lot of energy that the perfect area and make it suitable for spending time over the spring and summer time. In order to keep the area from being contaminated, it is going to take some work and planning. So gather the information that can benefit you and if you must take the help of professional to...
Everything You Wanted to Know About Water Lilies
The aquatic plant Water Lily belongs to the botanical family Nymphaeaceae. While there are 58 species of these freshwater found in the tropical and temperate regions of the world, the two main varieties include the Tropical Water Lily and the Hardy Water Lily. As the name might suggest, the Hardy Water Lilly can survive the cooler temperatures as well. The hardy water lilies are grown in the and their breeding is easy if you follow the steps correctly. The lilies can take a variety of sizes with flowers being as large as the goblet or...
Algae Control Methods to Prevent Algal Blooms
If home, you must be worried about keeping it clean and crystal clear. . So here in this article we are going to tell you the methods in which you can easily perform Algae control in Ponds. So let us begin: Altogether there are four major methods in which you can do Algae control in Ponds. Using the right method for the particular problem will definitely give you results and keep the balance of the pond healthy. So let us start with the four important methods and the fifth one is an add-on. Scroll down to check out: Algae control...